Angel Lucy Wellness Project
Celebrating a decade of community service.
Frequently asked questions
1 --- Who hosts the educational audio/vide files and written articles featured on this website?
None of these files and articles are hosted on this site. All media is embedded from other sites such as You Tube, Vimeo, Daily Motion, etc.
This site does not host any of its streaming/written media and the owner has not uploaded any of the material to the hosting server(s). Anyone can find the same content on You Tube or Vimeo by themselves.
However, The Angel Lucy Wellness Project and its main sponsor, Santronics Inc., are pro-DMCA and as such Content Owners can use the DMCA protocol to request removal of embedded videos and written articles that they believe infringe their copyright.
The owner of this website is willing to remove any violating material immediately upon request. The copyright owner must further contact the source if he/she wants his/her material off the Internet completely.
2 --- I want to use educational material featured on this website. How?
Do not ask me to send you material --- I don't have any. If you wish to screen or feature the films/written articles in front of an audience in your house, your community center, in theaters, cinemas, festivals, or any other venue, please don't contact me requesting permission to do so. Find the film producer/article author and ask them.
3 --- I want to have my film/article featured on this website. How?
If you are the copyright holder, please send me the link where the film can be watched/the article can be read online and embedded from. I'll review it and decide if the material is appropriate for this site.
4 --- I have a problem viewing the streaming video/reading the article. Help!
If the screen is blank and nothing happens, the video/article has probably been removed, therefore it is not your fault. Also, some videos/articles are NOT iPad/iPhone compatible.
However, if you are not able to watch any of the videos/read any of the article, then the problem is on your end. Find a competent computer/cell phone service professional to help you determine the cause of your problem. Regrettably, there is nothing I can do to help you resolve the technical glitch.
5 --- Why have videos/articles been removed?
Sorry folks! There are many reasons for why a video/article was removed by You Tube, Vimeo or any other hosting service. Whatever the reason, it is not within our control.
6 --- Who updates and owns this website?
This website is updated by Mario Santos and is owned and funded by Santronics Inc.
Thank you for visiting the official website for The Angel Lucy Wellness Project.
Best wishes!
Mario Santos,
Director & Founder
Angel Lucy Wellness Project